European Bildung Network Work-Meetings

Contribute to the European Bildung Manifesto

Plan a Manifesto launch event

Host bildung events in Europe in the coming year

Dates for the work meetings will be announced later

14:00-16:00 CET

14:00-14:30 Any final comments to the European Bildung Manifesto that we worked on at the European Bildung Day?

14:30-15:15 How can you host a Manifesto launch event so we have as many launch events across Europe as possible?

15:15-16:00 What kind of bildung event(s) would you like to host between now and European Bildung Day 2024?

Participation in this work-meeting is 19 Euro, and you will receive the Zoom link after signing up.

18:00-20:00 CET

18:00-18:30 Any final comments to the European Bildung Manifesto that we worked on at the European Bildung Day?

18:30-19:15 How can you host a Manifesto launch event so we have as many launch events across Europe as possible?

19:15-20:00 What kind of bildung event(s) would you like to host between now and European Bildung Day 2024?

Participation in this work-meeting is 19 Euro, and you will receive the Zoom link after signing up.

Tickets not yet available

Before covid, members of the European Bildung Network hosted local events about bildung; we would like to start self-organized bildung events across Europe again