Global Bildung Day 2024 March 21

Join the global conversation

Not another webinar!

Global Bildung Day is your chance to meet people from around the globe online and discuss what really matters. We want your perspective in the conversation!

The theme on March 21 is What it means to be human and how we can change education so humanity can flourish.

As part of the event, we will also launch the book What it Means to Be Human: Bildung traditions from around the globe, past, present, and future.

18 writers from around the globe have contributed, and we have managed to get most of them as speakers at the Global Bildung Day.

Noema Williams, NZ
Cheng Yi-Heng, China
Thakur S. Powdyel, Bhutan
Eliane Metni, Lebanon
Lene Rachel Andersen, DK
Klaas van Egmond, NL
Marcos Sarasola, Uruguay
Steve Joordens, Canada
Sandra Ericson, USA
Zak Stein, USA
and many more…

Our journey begins in Oceania and goes through East Asia, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europea, and Latin America, until we end in North America.

Participation in Global Bildung Day on zoom and joining the Global Bildung Network is free of charge. In the Global Bildung Day Space in the Global Bildung Network you will find articles, discussions about bildung, and much more.

To learn more about what bildung is, please go here:


Oceania, East Asia, Asia, & the Middle-East: 05:00-13:00 / 5am-1pm UTC


Sandra Verbruggen, Netherlands

Ines Medeiros, Brazil

Irena Pranskevičiūtė, Lithuania

Martin Ivarson, Sweden

Robert McTague, Romania & US


05:00-06:45 / 5:00am-06:45am UTC
18:00-19:45 / 6:00pm-7:45pm Wellington
16:00-17:45 / 4:00pm-5:45pm Melbourne

Why is the Maori language so crucial in Aotearoa New Zealand? What can we all learn from the indigenous Maori tradition today and can it inspire new education and our understanding of what it means to be human?

Kōtahitanga: What it means to be human
Noema Toia Williams,
Aotearoa / New Zealand

East Asia:

07:00-08:45 / 7:00am-08:45am UTC
16:00-17:45 Tokyo / 15:00-16:45 Beijing

Three different traditions define bildung in China: Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. But how are they different, and can they inspire education elsewhere too?

Confucian Bildung, Past, Present, and Future
Cheng Yi-Heng,

Bildung and Worldviews: East meets West
Dorine van Norren,
The Netherlands


09:00-10:45 / 9:00am-10:45am UTC
16:00-17:45 Bangkok / 14:30-16:15 Mumbai

Bhutan has officially decided that happiness is more important than GDP and they have created the concept Gross National Happiness. How does this affect education in Bhutan? Meet Thakur S. Powdyel, former minister of education in Bhutan.

The World That Might Have Been… 
Thakur S. Powdyel,

The Middle East & Conclusion:

11:00-13:00 / 11:00am-1:00pm UTC
14:30-16:30 Tehran / 11:00-13:00 Rabat

How does bildung relate to being a refugee, and how can education promote empowerment among refugees and host communities? If bildung can take place in a refugee camp, couldn’t it replace lousy education everywhere?

Bildung Brings Hope and Empowerment in Post-Conflict Contexts
Eliane Metni,

Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America:
15:00-23:00 / 3pm-11pm UTC


Sandra Verbruggen, Netherlands

Ines Medeiros, Brazil

Irena Pranskevičiūtė, Lithuania

Martin Ivarson, Sweden

Robert McTague, Romania & US


15:00-16:45 / 3:00pm-4:45pm UTC
17:00-18:45 Cape Town / 16:00-17:45 Lagos

The African continent is rich with indigenous traditions and modern African philosophy. What is Ubuntu, what can we all learn from this traditional African understanding of human development, and what are some of the other African traditions and philosophies of life?

New Narratives of Hope: Contemporary African Philosophers
Rika Preiser, South Africa

Ubuntu from Another African Perspective
Folarin Gbadebo-Smith, Nigeria


17:00-18:45 / 5:00pm-6:45pm UTC
19:00-20:45 Kyiv / 18:00-19:45 Paris

What is bildung and what difference does it make? Bildung may have a dusty image among some Europeans, but we cannot do without it, and, actually, it rocks!

The Significance of Bildung
Lene Rachel Andersen,

Why More Bildung is so Urgent Now
Klaas van Egmond,
the Netherlands

Latin America:

19:00-20:45 / 7:00pm-8:45pm UTC
16:00-17:45 Sao Paulo / 13:00-14:45 San José

Latin America has a rich tradition of both Liberation Theology and pedagogy as political protest. Who were Paulo Freire and Humberto Maturana, and what can we learn from them today? And what is Buen Vivir?

Buen Vivir: What is the good life?
Gustavo Hernandez,

Buen Vivir: What is the good life?
Henkjan Laats,
Peru & the Netherlands

North America & Conclusion:

21:00-23:00 / 9:00pm-11:00pm UTC
17:00-19:00 / 5pm-7pm Washington DC
14:00-17:00 / 2pm-4pm Vancouver

Once upon a time in America, there was a deliberate education and bildung effort called Human Ecology; what was it? Now there are new educational prospects coming from AI, but what happens to the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation and with bildung in a world of AI?

Human Ecology
Sandy Ericson,
United States

Technology and the Decline of the Bildung Human
Adam Frost,

The Last Educators
Zak Stein,
United States


Looking very much forward to seeing you on March 21st!

Check out the Global Bildung Day 2023 September 21:

If you have any doubts about what time the presentations begin in your time zone, you can check it here:

I would love to get a free ticket for this!

Go ahead! Participation in Global Bildung Day is free of charge.

Global Bildung Day Space:

If you would like to join the GBD Space in the Global Bildung Network where we have already started the discussions, we offer three prices: Regular, Low Income Friendly, and Donation Friendly.

Bildung traditions from around the globe,
past, present, and future