From Our Journey

Global Bildung Day 2022 September 21

The Global Bildung Day, on the September Equinox of 2022, is a worldwide gathering of bildung advocates, experts, teachers, students; all united to support the quality of life, human and nonhuman, through universal education for daily life for all ages. Join us as we define the knowledge and responsibilities that allow us to flourish and live happily. Read more and … Read More

Global Bildung Festival 2022 March 21-22

Around Equinox in March, the Global Bildung Network will be hosting the second Global Bildung Festival. There is not a lot of information to share yet, but the festival page will be here: and you can get your early bird ticket right away.

Global Publishing of Your Bildung Work

Now it is here: the global, online bildung blog, magazine on Medium: We have been working on it for a while, but now it is finally here! (Pop the Champagne!) Whenever you have an idea for an article about bildung, please feel free to drop us a note about it at – or just write the full article … Read More

Two organizers actually met IRL — in Weimar

By Lene Rachel Andersen OK, under normal circumstances, this would not be newsworthy, but these are not normal times. The European Bildung Days 2020 and 2021 were organized entirely online. Except for Mette and myself, who may have spent a total of 8 work days together at the Nordic Bildung office since March 2020, Sandra, Niklas, Nadja, Mette, Marc, and … Read More

Let’s Go Global — Update from June 21

By European Bildung Network With a Global Bildung Manifesto and so much great energy at the European Bildung Day, we decided to go ahead and start planning a Global Bildung Day. The planning meeting was on June 21st, the Global Bildung Day will be on September 21st. People joined from California and Brazil to Korea and Australia; around 30 in … Read More